DéLise is an American linguist and interculturalist with a background in psychology, emotional intelligence, non-verbal communication and international etiquette. She is the founder of The Artistry of Etiquette and internationalcrossculturaletiquette.com. She has lived abroad for over 30 years, experiencing the cultures of nine different countries. She lived principally in Italy, including 20 years in Sicily, and is currently living in Israel. Her career in teaching languages, cross-cultural competencies, etiquette, and the importance of understanding body language and facial expressions in communication has extended for more than a quarter century. She is a cross-cultural corporate trainer for multi-national corporations and has worked widely in leadership and corporate mediation. She was a liaison in Sicily where she founded a cross-cultural association. Her specialisations are the U.S, Europe, particularly, northern, central, and southern Italy, the Middle East: Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and China. She speaks English, Italian, Sicilian, French and is learning Hebrew.