How to buy CultureConnector

There are four ways to buy
Download our one-page buying guide:
Buy online today
If you have an immediate need, you can get started right away. Buy online with a credit card or PayPal and you’ll receive your licence instantly.
After you’ve completed your purchase in the Argonaut shop, log in to CultureConnector. Your licence will be waiting for you.
Buy through a resale partner
Buying through an Argonaut partner means you get access to the expertise and additional services of the provider.
Many leading providers can offer CultureConnector to you.
You can be sure of the same great level of CultureConnector service and excellent experience for learners as buying direct. You also get to deal with a provider who knows your needs and operates in the sectors you’re working in.
If you are not already in contact with a local provider, contact us to find alternative sources of CultureConnector near you.
Order online, pay by invoice
If you prefer to receive an invoice instead of using a credit card, you can order any CultureConnector service and receive an invoice the same day. Start by getting an offer from us:
You’ll get your CultureConnector licence on payment of the invoice, so if your need is urgent, you should consider the buy online option with credit card payment.
Upgrade to premium
You can conveniently start with the Free plan and upgrade to premium when you are ready. Inside CultureConnector you’ll find links to upgrade via your Edit profile page and in various screens where upgrading could bring you additional features.
The upgrade links in CultureConnector bring you to the Argonaut shop where you can buy online or order with payment by invoice. Upgrading to premium is a good way to buy if your organisation works in a decentralised and fast-moving way. Each trainer or learner can buy licences when they run into a specific need.