Becoming certified by Argonaut as a CultureConnector trainer demonstrates to your clients and colleagues your specialist knowledge and deepens your confidence with CultureConnector’s tools and cultural profiling approach.
As an Accredited Trainer, you can include the certified trainer symbol in your online profiles, curriculum vitae and other professional or marketing material.

Key benefits
- personal training from the Argonaut team
- extra trainer guides and resources
- permission to use the accredited symbol
- accredited status visible to your learners in CultureConnector
- accredited-only ready-to-use training material
You gain Accredited status after you have participated in our train-the-trainer session, applied your knowledge in practical cases and demonstrated the required expertise to deliver online training and cultural analysis in more complex and challenging situations. Accreditation is for consultants delivering solutions using the CultureConnector platform, including trainer teams among our partners.
HR and development specialists in organisations using CultureConnector can also participate in the accreditation programme or alternatively design with the Argonaut team a custom train-the-trainer programme when certification is not a key requirement.
Accreditation training
Successful completion of the programme gives you Accredited status for 3 years. To renew your Accredited status for a further 3 years, participate in a refresher course, consolidating your knowledge of the most recent developments in online coaching and analytics on the CultureConnector platform.
From your unique starting point, you’ll complete the accreditation with competence in six modules, three of which are focused on maximising impact through CultureConnector, and three of which build more general intercultural training competences for professionals using the CultureConnector platform.
- Basic intercultural concepts
CultureConnector concepts
- Designing training and coaching
CultureConnector in practice
- Intercultural coaching
CultureConnector in your business
More information in the Argonaut shop
Make your first step towards accreditation today
After completing your purchase of Accreditation training, book your accreditation training via the form below.